
Location Station is 5 minutes walk from Blue Flag beach Station Address Iarnród Éireann
Church Road
Co. WicklowEircode A63 H928 Contact Number Customer Contact Centre
For general customer care questions, suggestions or complaints, the team at Transport for Ireland (TFI) can help.
Call: 0818 294 015
From outside Ireland: +353 1575 6110
- 07:00 - 19:00 Weekdays
- 08:00 - 18:00 Saturday
- 10:00 - 18:00 Sunday and Public Holidays
ATM No Opening Hours Station Opening Hours
Open for all services
Station Staffing Hours
This station is not staffed.Station Booking Office
This station does not have a booking office. Tickets can be purchased from the ticket vending machine or a leap card can be used in applicable locations.Toilets No Passenger Shelters Yes Enclosed Waiting Room No Wi-Fi & Internet Access Free wifi available, for more info go to Wi-Fi and Power On-board Trains
Phone Charging No
Ticket Vending Machine(s) Yes
Smart Card Enabled Yes
Routes Serviced Dublin Connolly - Rosslare
DART and Dublin Commuter (5.83MB) -