Booking Online FAQ
I am using an International card, do I need to contact my bank?
My card is from an EU country but my payment will not go through
I don't know my return details yet, what should I do?
What is 3D Secure?
Why is my credit/debit card being rejected/failed?
Will 3D Secure add extra time to my purchasing experience?
How do I make a reservation?
What type of tickets can I reserve?
How do I pay for my reservation?
How do I amend/cancel my booking?
How do I change my Account details
How do I view my recent transactions?
What Browsers are currently supported by
How do I change my Password?
If I purchase my ticket online or by phone, how do I get my ticket?
Thinking of developing an app?
I have used 3D Secure before, what do I need to do?
I haven’t used 3D Secure before, what do I need to do?
I can’t remember my 3D Secure Password, who do I contact?
Are there any alternatives to payment with 3D Secure?
I don't wish to register with 3D Secure - can I still pay online?
How can I find out more details about 3D Secure?
What credit and debit cards does accept?
How do different cards behave?
I purchase online using a company credit / purchasing card, can I still purchase on
I purchase online using a prepaid debit card, can I still purchase on
What do I do if the confirmation page does not display?
I had an account and was registered previously but cannot log in?
What are the benefits of an Iarnrod Eireann Account?
I have made a mistake with my online booking, what can I do?
Setting up a new account
Why is my train is not bookable/sold out?
I am getting a message my browser is outdated
I am getting a message my operating system is outdated
How far in advance can I make a reservation?
I am having problems booking?
Can I reserve a seat facing the direction the train is travelling?
My Password does not work, what do I do?
Can I view my previous bookings?
Why does 3D Secure not always display when booking?
Why won't the website accept my phone number?
How do I book a wheelchair space?
I received a 'reset my password' email but I can't log into my Account?
Is a secure website?
How do I book a bike online?
How do I access if I have a disability?
No Online Tickets Why?
Do Irish Rail provide RSS Feeds?
How do I integrate Realtime into my app?
When booking online what stations is the Cork Airport add-on available from?
How do I book First Class / CityGold on Limerick or Tralee services?
Customer when trying to request a card and the webpage crashes / user had to pause the application and wants to resume /was unable to complete the process. What to do to continue the order?
Are payments taken if the order is not completed? If an order is rejected how to get a refund?
ID validation failed, what was done wrong/why did the order fail?
What do I do if I did not receive a confirmation email after my booking?
Having issues logging in to amend your booking?