Equality and Diversity at Iarnród Éireann
Maintaining a positive environment for all in Iarnród Éireann
Our commitment to an inclusive workplace and customer service
Iarnród Éireann is committed to equality and diversity in the workplace and in the services we provide. We will continue to work with our employees, customers, outside agencies and other compatible groups in the development of best practice in the workplace for our employees and customers.
For our employees Iarnród Éireann will:
- provide and develop policies that ensure fairness, equality, dignity and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time or full-time
- ensure equal opportunities in our employment practices
- review employment practices and procedures when necessary to ensure fairness, and also update them to take account of changes in law or in best practice
- encourage all of our employees to reach their full potential
- ensure that all employees are provided with an opportunity to develop and progress within the Company on the basis of ability and merit
For our customers Iarnród Éireann will:
- continue to improve and develop accessibility on our services
- provide a service that meets the needs of all
- ensure that access to travel and information on travel is available to more citizens
- continue to engage with our mobility impaired passenger through our user group forums
It is the responsibility of our managers and staff to ensure that the workplace, rail stations and trains are welcoming to customers and fellow employees.
We will ensure that in all our employment practices we are consistent with the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 and also the Equal Status Acts 2000-2015 in the provision of services to our customers. Both Acts prohibit discrimination in employment and service provision on nine distinct grounds which are Age, Race, Gender, Religion, Disability, Family Status, Civil Status, Sexual Orientation and Membership of the Traveller Community.
We recognise that the Public Sector Duty Act 2014 gives basic rights to our employees, prospective employees, contractors and customers:
- to be treated with respect and dignity
- to be treated fairly with regard to all procedures within Iarnród Éireann
Furthermore we will continue to ensure that we have regard to:
- eliminating discrimination
- promoting equality
- protecting the human rights of our staff and customers to whom we provide a service
Iarnród Éireann believes that valuing our staff, contractors and the services they provide to the customer will support our mission, vision and values. On this basis we will continue to develop an environment that respects the diversity of staff, contractors and customers.