First Class is only available on Cork services and not on Limerick or Tralee direct services.
If you are travelling to/from Limerick you can avail of First Class between Limerick Junction and Dublin Heuston on services that require a change-over.
If you are travelling to/from Tralee you can avail of First Class between Mallow and Dublin Heuston on services that require a change-over.
When booking we would advise customers to book a standard ticket from Limerick or Tralee to/from Dublin Heuston, ensuring that you select a service with a changeover. Then you can buy a 'First Class Upgrade' at the Station or Online, to travel First Class between Limerick Junction or Mallow to/from Dublin Heuston.
To buy the First Class Upgrade online simply add the required number of passengers to ‘Reservation Only’ on the Journey Planner and hit ‘Go’. Once the results load you will see the 'First Class Upgrade', please ensure that you select the same service as originally booked for Limerick or Tralee to/from Dublin Heuston.