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Can I purchase a Luas ticket with Iarnród Éireann?

Yes, a Luas add on is available for customer travelling on rail services. Simply select 'Dublin Connolly' if your selected services orgin or destination is 'Dublin Heuston' and if the origin or destination is 'Dublin Heuston' select 'Dublin Connolly'.  Origin and destination of services can be seen on our Intercity Route Map.

For example; if you are travelling from Cork you would select 'Dublin Connolly' for the Luas add on. Or if you are travelling from Sligo you would select 'Dublin Heuston' for the Luas add on.

The Luas ticket allows customers to travel on the Luas Red Line between Dublin Heuston and Dublin Connolly/George's Dock or Dublin Bus Route 4 to Mount Street for the date or dates on the ticket only.

Cost: €1.40 each way.
Available from: as an origin and or destination
Available from: Ticket vending machines or booking offices into Dublin only
