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Iarnród Éireann Comhlánaigh an fhoirm seo agus seol í chun amanna agus ticéid traenach a aimsiú
Ceann Scríbe
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Úsáid na saigheadeochracha ar an méarchlár chun dul tríd an gcineál grúpa
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1 Paisinéirí Modal Paisinéirí Oscailte<
Roghnaigh dialóg úsáideoirí paisinéirí
Eolas Paisinéirí
Áirithint amháin

Pas taistil saor in aisce

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Custaiméirí a bhfuil ticéad bailí den Ghrád Oscailte acu
  • Sealbhóirí Saorthaistil/Pas ón Roinn Gnóthaí Fostaíochta agus Coimirce Sóisialaí (an RGFCS)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

Is féidir le custaiméirí a bhfuil ticéad/ticéid b(h)ailí den ghnáthghrád acu cheana féin nó a bhfuil ticéid á gceannach acu ar lá an taistil, ar nós Ticéid Teaghlaigh, Singil, Fillte Lae, Fillte Oscailte, Seachtaine, Mhíosa, Bhliana, InterRail agus sealbhóirí pas Saorthaistil suíochán a chur in áirithe ar sheirbhís ar tháille €2.50 an duine gach bealach Cuirtear in iúl do chustaiméirí nach mbíonn ach roinnt áirithe áirithintí suíocháin amháin ar líne ar fáil.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Léigh ár Ceisteanna Coitianta faoi conas áirithint suíocháin amháin a chur in áirithe.

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

Adults information
Duine Fásta

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Daoine Fásta (19 bliana d’aois agus níos sine)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

  • Ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, ie táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.

Ceannaigh Anois

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Children information

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Leanaí (idir 5 agus 18 bliana d’aois)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

Nuair a bhíonn amhras ort maidir leis an aois a cháilíonn do thicéad, is ar an bpaisinéir nó a gcaomhnóir nó a dtuismitheoir a bhíonn an fhreagracht fianaise shásúil a sholáthar maidir le haois nuair a iarrann aon bhall foirne de chuid Iarnród Éireann air. Is féidir leasuithe agus cealuithe a dhéanamh ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, ie Táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád.

Is féidir le leanaí faoi 5 bliana d’aois taisteal saor in aisce ar an ngnáthghrád ar aon seirbhís Iarnród Éireann nuair a bhíonn siad i gcuideachta paisinéara a bhfuil ticéad bailí acu, a fhad agus nach mbíonn leanaí ina suí i suíocháin a theastaíonn ó phaisinéirí a d’íoc as ticéad.

Tabhair faoi deara, le do thoil, cé nach mbíonn ticéad ag teastáil ó leanaí faoi 5 bliana d’aois chun taisteal, caithfear áirithint suíocháin amháin a cheannach lena chinntiú go mbeidh suíochán ar fáil.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.
  • Ní féidir leo siúd, ar mian leo suíochán a chur in áirithe do leanbh faoi bhun cúig bliana d'aois, ar thraenacha ar féidir spásanna a chur in áirithe orthu, a dhéanamh ach amháin tríd an rogha "Pas Saorthaistil nó Ticéad Bailí' a roghnú ar an bpleanálaí turais. 

Ceannaigh Anois

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Students information
Aosach Óg / Mac Léinn

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Aosaigh Óga (19-25 mbliana d'aois) / Mic Léinn

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

  • Caithfidh Cárta Leap TFI don Aosach Óg (19-25 bliain) / Cárta Leap Mic Léinn TFI a bheith ag aosaigh óga agus mic léinn ticéid lascainithe aosaigh óga (19-25 mbliana d'aois) / mic léinn a fháil.
  • Individual third level institution cards or ISIC cards are no longer accepted as valid forms of ID
  • Is féidir leasuithe agus cealuithe a dhéanamh ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, i.e. Táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád.
  • Failure to produce a valid ticket, appropriate valid ID or surcharge where necessary will result in a fine and the relevant unpaid fare.
Chun teacht ar eolas breise, caith súil ar ár mír Aosaigh Óga (19-23 mbliana d'aois) / Mic Léinn.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Is gá paisinéir amháin ar a laghad a roghnú

Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais ar Thicéid Ar Líne féach le do thoil Eolas Ticéad

Roghnaigh dialóg na n‐úsáideoirí cathaoireach rothaí
Úsáideoirí cathaoireach rothaí

Roghnaigh an Paisinéir/na Paisinéirí a bhfuil an spás cathaoireach rothaí ag teastáil uathu. Nuair atá rogha déanta, ní thaispeántar le cur in áirithint ach seirbhísí ar a bhfuil spásanna do chathaoir(eacha) rothaí, bunaithe ar do rogha

passenger-seat icon Travel Pass or Travel Ticket holder

Travel Pass or Valid Ticket holder dialog
Travel Pass or Valid Ticket holder

Is an option for customers who are in possession of Free Travel Pass, a valid standard class ticket(s), seasonal ticket(s), Taxsaver ticket(s) or InterRail to book onto a train in standard class. Customers who have a valid standard class ticket but wish to upgrade to First Class should also use this selection. For more information go to Tickets Explained section.

Please select the passenger(s) who require this ticket type

Iarnród Éireann and Latvia's DIGAS to trial Europe’s first retrofitted hydrogen freight locomotive

14 Meán Fómhair 2023

Cleaner, cheaper and practical initiative towards decarbonisation goals


Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail is providing a locomotive and will test a retrofitted hydrogen locomotive using a cleaner burning renewable fuel 


DIGAS will provide a cost-effective way how to introduce a hydrogen in the fleet of existing diesel locomotives by retrofitting diesel locomotives with a specialised internal combustion engine (ICE) hydrogen system


The collaboration will demonstrate a practical path towards complete decarbonisation of the diesel locomotive fleet

Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail, operator of the national railway network of Ireland and provider passenger and freight rail services, and DIGAS, a global trailblazer in an instant decarbonisation solutions for the railway sector, have signed a contract to retrofit a freight diesel locomotive from diesel fuel to hydrogen as a proof of concept. The purpose of the €1.5m project is to help decarbonise the operations of Iarnród Éireann diesel locomotives, assist the company in meeting its goals as a Sustainable Development Goal champion, increase the competitiveness of the company and reduce carbon exhaust emissions.

Based on the agreement, Iarnród Éireann will provide the 071 Class Diesel Locomotive for the conversion as well as make the workshop available for the installation, testing and commissioning activities. DIGAS, will manufacture deliver and install a Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2 ICE) retrofit kit to convert the diesel locomotive to a hydrogen powered locomotive. The conversion will allow the locomotive to run on renewable, emissions free fuel instead of the diesel fuel. As part of the agreement, the two companies will share technical and commercial information necessary for DIGAS to design, manufacture, install, and support the commissioning of the Hydrogen conversion kit and allow Iarnród Éireann to properly test a retrofitted locomotive. 

Unlike other hydrogen projects in the rail sector where hydrogen is used in to run locomotives via fuel cells or through specially produced hydrogen engines, this project will showcase a unique approach where hydrogen will be used in the locomotive’s current internal combustion engine.

This innovative technology requires minimal change to be done to the locomotive If successful, the project will showcase a more practical and cost-effective way to decarbonise and run the existing diesel locomotive fleet with hydrogen powered engines.

The project is currently in the design process and scheduled for two testing phases across 2024 and 2025. Phase 1 will be focused on static testing of the locomotion to check power and emissions output. Phase 2 will follow in 2025 and focus on service trials of the locomotion out on the rails. All designs and testing standards are subject to approval from the Commission for Railway Regulation (CRR).

“Iarnród Éireann has 18 071 class diesel locomotives in railway operations, 12 of which are used to support freight operations. If the conversion tests are successful, these locomotives can be converted to greener and more efficient alternatives” comments Jim Meade, Chief Executive of Iarnród Éireann. 

071 class locomotive, hauling timber

“Iarnród Éireann is a designated champion of the state’s commitment to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. We are committed to taking a leading role in supporting the Irish Government ambitions to decarbonise transportation sector by 2040.” 

“We are very excited to have Iarnród Éireann as our partner for this project. Among other reasons, Iarnród Éireann management is really committed to decarbonisation of their operations. This project is proof to that commitment not only in words, but also in actions. Therefore, in spite of the aggressive timeline in front of us, together we feel confident in our joint ability to make this historic step towards sustainable mobility in a timely manner” explains Petro Dumenko, CEO & Co-founder of DIGAS “We see the same challenge over and over again with all railway operators – the need to decarbonise their operations but having an extremely long lifecycle of their assets which still runs on diesel fuel. This project will showcase a cost-effective and practical way for operators like Iarnród Éireann to decarbonise their existing fleet of diesel locomotives”. 

The project is funded by Iarnród Éireann and DIGAS, and co-funded by EIT Urban Mobility, a body of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and Mechanical Engineering Competence Center, a Latvian body receiving the funding from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility. The work under the contract has commenced on both sides with an objective to test a retrofitted hydrogen locomotive in 2024. As part of the agreement, Iarnród Éireann will bring the partners into the project who will provide a hydrogen refueling for the retrofitted locomotive.
