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Iarnród Éireann Comhlánaigh an fhoirm seo agus seol í chun amanna agus ticéid traenach a aimsiú
Ceann Scríbe
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1 Paisinéirí Modal Paisinéirí Oscailte<
Roghnaigh dialóg úsáideoirí paisinéirí
Eolas Paisinéirí
Áirithint amháin

Pas taistil saor in aisce

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Custaiméirí a bhfuil ticéad bailí den Ghrád Oscailte acu
  • Sealbhóirí Saorthaistil/Pas ón Roinn Gnóthaí Fostaíochta agus Coimirce Sóisialaí (an RGFCS)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

Is féidir le custaiméirí a bhfuil ticéad/ticéid b(h)ailí den ghnáthghrád acu cheana féin nó a bhfuil ticéid á gceannach acu ar lá an taistil, ar nós Ticéid Teaghlaigh, Singil, Fillte Lae, Fillte Oscailte, Seachtaine, Mhíosa, Bhliana, InterRail agus sealbhóirí pas Saorthaistil suíochán a chur in áirithe ar sheirbhís ar tháille €2.50 an duine gach bealach Cuirtear in iúl do chustaiméirí nach mbíonn ach roinnt áirithe áirithintí suíocháin amháin ar líne ar fáil.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Léigh ár Ceisteanna Coitianta faoi conas áirithint suíocháin amháin a chur in áirithe.

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

Adults information
Duine Fásta

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Daoine Fásta (19 bliana d’aois agus níos sine)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

  • Ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, ie táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.

Ceannaigh Anois

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Children information

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Leanaí (idir 5 agus 18 bliana d’aois)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

Nuair a bhíonn amhras ort maidir leis an aois a cháilíonn do thicéad, is ar an bpaisinéir nó a gcaomhnóir nó a dtuismitheoir a bhíonn an fhreagracht fianaise shásúil a sholáthar maidir le haois nuair a iarrann aon bhall foirne de chuid Iarnród Éireann air. Is féidir leasuithe agus cealuithe a dhéanamh ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, ie Táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád.

Is féidir le leanaí faoi 5 bliana d’aois taisteal saor in aisce ar an ngnáthghrád ar aon seirbhís Iarnród Éireann nuair a bhíonn siad i gcuideachta paisinéara a bhfuil ticéad bailí acu, a fhad agus nach mbíonn leanaí ina suí i suíocháin a theastaíonn ó phaisinéirí a d’íoc as ticéad.

Tabhair faoi deara, le do thoil, cé nach mbíonn ticéad ag teastáil ó leanaí faoi 5 bliana d’aois chun taisteal, caithfear áirithint suíocháin amháin a cheannach lena chinntiú go mbeidh suíochán ar fáil.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.
  • Ní féidir leo siúd, ar mian leo suíochán a chur in áirithe do leanbh faoi bhun cúig bliana d'aois, ar thraenacha ar féidir spásanna a chur in áirithe orthu, a dhéanamh ach amháin tríd an rogha "Pas Saorthaistil nó Ticéad Bailí' a roghnú ar an bpleanálaí turais. 

Ceannaigh Anois

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Students information
Aosach Óg / Mac Léinn

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Aosaigh Óga (19-25 mbliana d'aois) / Mic Léinn

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

  • Caithfidh Cárta Leap TFI don Aosach Óg (19-25 bliain) / Cárta Leap Mic Léinn TFI a bheith ag aosaigh óga agus mic léinn ticéid lascainithe aosaigh óga (19-25 mbliana d'aois) / mic léinn a fháil.
  • Individual third level institution cards or ISIC cards are no longer accepted as valid forms of ID
  • Is féidir leasuithe agus cealuithe a dhéanamh ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, i.e. Táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád.
  • Failure to produce a valid ticket, appropriate valid ID or surcharge where necessary will result in a fine and the relevant unpaid fare.
Chun teacht ar eolas breise, caith súil ar ár mír Aosaigh Óga (19-23 mbliana d'aois) / Mic Léinn.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Is gá paisinéir amháin ar a laghad a roghnú

Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais ar Thicéid Ar Líne féach le do thoil Eolas Ticéad

Roghnaigh dialóg na n‐úsáideoirí cathaoireach rothaí
Úsáideoirí cathaoireach rothaí

Roghnaigh an Paisinéir/na Paisinéirí a bhfuil an spás cathaoireach rothaí ag teastáil uathu. Nuair atá rogha déanta, ní thaispeántar le cur in áirithint ach seirbhísí ar a bhfuil spásanna do chathaoir(eacha) rothaí, bunaithe ar do rogha

passenger-seat icon Travel Pass or Travel Ticket holder

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Travel Pass or Valid Ticket holder

Is an option for customers who are in possession of Free Travel Pass, a valid standard class ticket(s), seasonal ticket(s), Taxsaver ticket(s) or InterRail to book onto a train in standard class. Customers who have a valid standard class ticket but wish to upgrade to First Class should also use this selection. For more information go to Tickets Explained section.

Please select the passenger(s) who require this ticket type

Iarnród Éireann and CIÉ partner on Native Tree Seed Collection Programme

12 Nollaig 2024

Iarnród Éireann and CIÉ partner on Native Tree Seed Collection Programme, the first partnership of its kind in the Irish transport sector

Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail is set to fund Irish nurseries to collect, process and grow native tree seeds for use by Iarnród Éireann and CIÉ in establishing biodiverse rich habitats under its innovative Native Tree Seed Collection Programme.

Funded by CIÉ, it is the first partnership of its kind in the Irish transport sector and an innovative plan to enhance biodiversity, support the circular economy, promote environmental protection and assist Iarnród Éireann in offsetting operational carbon footprint ensuring it becomes a cleaner, greener and more sustainable transport operator.


arnród Éireann and CIÉ partner on Native Tree Seed Collection Programme


Showcasing Iarnród Éireann and CIÉ’s commitment to biodiversity and the environment, the Native Tree Seed Collection Programme will increase the national native seed bank, reduce the risk of disease importation and help offset operational carbon footprint.

The programme will fund Irish nurseries to collect, process and grow, through to saplings, native tree seeds for use by Iarnród Éireann and CIÉ in establishing biodiverse rich habitats on land banks, sidings and in local communities around the country and, once planted, will help offset operational carbon production and feed into the wider decarbonisation strategy for the organisation.

Iarnród Éireann has already committed to planting 100 acres (40 hectares) of native Irish woodland by 2030, this innovative Tree Seed Collection Programme will ensure availability of native stock and that any future trees and shrubs that Iarnród Éireann plant around the country will:

  • Limit the risk of importing diseases
  • Support circular economy principles
  • Support local businesses
  • Give back to the community via surplus seed and sapling production

Jim Meade, CEO of Iarnród Éireann said during today’s announcement of the programme that:

“Iarnród Éireann is committed to meeting national transport decarbonisation targets while also protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of the lands, line sides and local communities along our network. We’re committed to planting 100 acres of native Irish woodland by 2030 and the Tree Seed Collection Programme will ensure we can do so efficiently, sustainably and without threat of importing any disease which may threaten the health of local trees and shrubs potentially causing a future hazard for the safe operation of the railway.”

While Lorcan O’Connor, CEO of CIÉ said:

"The CIÉ Sustainability Fund is central to our efforts to embed sustainability across all operations. By funding initiatives like the Native Tree Seed Collection Programme with Iarnród Éireann, we are enhancing biodiversity, strengthening local economies, and supporting Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon economy."

Seed beds and orchards will be set up this winter to be ready for seeds and planting in spring and will include species such as Rowan, Birch, Cherry, Hazel, Blackthorn, Whitethorn and Crab Apple, Hazel, Willow, Dog Rose, Honeysuckle, Guelder Rose and Spindle. Seeds collected from this programme will always be traceable and tracked by the provenance certs attached to the seeds and trees.

Iarnród Éireann Biodiversity plans

Iarnród Éireann manages over 4000 kilometres of boundary along the national rail corridor, with 190 locations along the network interfacing or lying within designated sites of European and national biodiversity importance.

Central to the Iarnród Éireann Sustainability Strategy, Sustainability in Motion, is the protection and enhancement of biodiversity. Initiatives like this Tree Seed Collection Programme provide opportunity to enhance the environment and its biodiversity while minimising the impact that rail operations have.

  • Pollinator plans will be introduced for all stations, with one third already having pollinator plans in place
    Iarnród Éireann were the first public body in Ireland to take part in the Creation of Woodland on Public Lands scheme planting 12,000 trees at Carrick-on-Shannon and Iarnród Éireann aims to plant a total of at least 100 acres at non-operational sites by 2030 – largely supported by this native seed production programme
  • Infrastructure teams are equipped with the resources and knowledge to protect biodiversity, with guidelines for employees produced, and vegetation management standards reviewed
  • Iarnród Éireann will continue to implement actions in support of Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan (2023 -2030)
  • As ash dieback, a devastating fungal disease, continues to be an issue nationally, Iarnród Éireann is committed to carrying out one of the largest ever tree surveys to identify and remove hazardous trees along the railway corridor and replant landbanks with healthy native alternatives, supported by the saplings that come directly from the Seed Collection Programme

To learn more about the Iarnród Éireann’s sustainability goals and strategy visit

About the selected nurseries:

Fermoy Woodland Nurseries Ltd. is a family-owned tree nursery based in Fermoy, Co. Cork. The nursery is producing trees and hedging for the forestry and horticulture sectors in Ireland, with annual production of 1 million transplants.

None-So-Hardy Nurseries is almost 40 years in business in the east of Ireland, specialising in the growing and supplying of first-class forestry plants to the Irish forestry market with capacity to produce 25 million trees per annum.


Native Seed Timeline

