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Iarnród Éireann Comhlánaigh an fhoirm seo agus seol í chun amanna agus ticéid traenach a aimsiú
Ceann Scríbe
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Úsáid na saigheadeochracha ar an méarchlár chun dul tríd an gcineál grúpa
Roghnaigh dáta imeachta
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Dáta Imeachta (
Roghnaigh dáta fillte


1 Paisinéirí Modal Paisinéirí Oscailte<
Roghnaigh dialóg úsáideoirí paisinéirí
Eolas Paisinéirí
Áirithint amháin

Pas taistil saor in aisce

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Custaiméirí a bhfuil ticéad bailí den Ghrád Oscailte acu
  • Sealbhóirí Saorthaistil/Pas ón Roinn Gnóthaí Fostaíochta agus Coimirce Sóisialaí (an RGFCS)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

Is féidir le custaiméirí a bhfuil ticéad/ticéid b(h)ailí den ghnáthghrád acu cheana féin nó a bhfuil ticéid á gceannach acu ar lá an taistil, ar nós Ticéid Teaghlaigh, Singil, Fillte Lae, Fillte Oscailte, Seachtaine, Mhíosa, Bhliana, InterRail agus sealbhóirí pas Saorthaistil suíochán a chur in áirithe ar sheirbhís ar tháille €2.50 an duine gach bealach Cuirtear in iúl do chustaiméirí nach mbíonn ach roinnt áirithe áirithintí suíocháin amháin ar líne ar fáil.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Léigh ár Ceisteanna Coitianta faoi conas áirithint suíocháin amháin a chur in áirithe.

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

Adults information
Duine Fásta

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Daoine Fásta (19 bliana d’aois agus níos sine)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

  • Ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, ie táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.

Ceannaigh Anois

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Children information

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Leanaí (idir 5 agus 18 bliana d’aois)

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

Nuair a bhíonn amhras ort maidir leis an aois a cháilíonn do thicéad, is ar an bpaisinéir nó a gcaomhnóir nó a dtuismitheoir a bhíonn an fhreagracht fianaise shásúil a sholáthar maidir le haois nuair a iarrann aon bhall foirne de chuid Iarnród Éireann air. Is féidir leasuithe agus cealuithe a dhéanamh ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, ie Táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád.

Is féidir le leanaí faoi 5 bliana d’aois taisteal saor in aisce ar an ngnáthghrád ar aon seirbhís Iarnród Éireann nuair a bhíonn siad i gcuideachta paisinéara a bhfuil ticéad bailí acu, a fhad agus nach mbíonn leanaí ina suí i suíocháin a theastaíonn ó phaisinéirí a d’íoc as ticéad.

Tabhair faoi deara, le do thoil, cé nach mbíonn ticéad ag teastáil ó leanaí faoi 5 bliana d’aois chun taisteal, caithfear áirithint suíocháin amháin a cheannach lena chinntiú go mbeidh suíochán ar fáil.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.
  • Ní féidir leo siúd, ar mian leo suíochán a chur in áirithe do leanbh faoi bhun cúig bliana d'aois, ar thraenacha ar féidir spásanna a chur in áirithe orthu, a dhéanamh ach amháin tríd an rogha "Pas Saorthaistil nó Ticéad Bailí' a roghnú ar an bpleanálaí turais. 

Ceannaigh Anois

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Students information
Aosach Óg / Mac Léinn

Cé atá incháilithe don ticéad seo?

  • Aosaigh Óga (19-25 mbliana d'aois) / Mic Léinn

Cad iad na coinníollacha a bhaineann le taisteal?

  • Caithfidh Cárta Leap TFI don Aosach Óg (19-25 bliain) / Cárta Leap Mic Léinn TFI a bheith ag aosaigh óga agus mic léinn ticéid lascainithe aosaigh óga (19-25 mbliana d'aois) / mic léinn a fháil.
  • Individual third level institution cards or ISIC cards are no longer accepted as valid forms of ID
  • Is féidir leasuithe agus cealuithe a dhéanamh ag brath ar an táille a ceannaíodh, i.e. Táille Íseal, Táille Leath-sholúbtha, Táille Sholúbtha, Táille den Chéad Ghrád.
  • Failure to produce a valid ticket, appropriate valid ID or surcharge where necessary will result in a fine and the relevant unpaid fare.
Chun teacht ar eolas breise, caith súil ar ár mír Aosaigh Óga (19-23 mbliana d'aois) / Mic Léinn.

Cá féidir liom an ticéad seo a cheannach?

  • Is féidir leat an ticéad a cheannach trí 'Ceannaigh Anois' thíos a chliceáil.

Cá mbailíonn mé an ticéad? 

  • Collect at Ticket Machine - ní mór do chustaiméirí a gcuid ticéad(í) a bhailiú sula dtéann siad ar bord ó Mheaisín Díolta Ticéad ag aon stáisiún Iarnród Éireann (laistigh de Phoblacht na hÉireann)
  • Download QR Ticket(s) - customers can download the PDF (which includes their QR code ticket) to their mobile device, or print the PDF ticket at home in advance of travel

Is gá paisinéir amháin ar a laghad a roghnú

Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais ar Thicéid Ar Líne féach le do thoil Eolas Ticéad

Roghnaigh dialóg na n‐úsáideoirí cathaoireach rothaí
Úsáideoirí cathaoireach rothaí

Roghnaigh an Paisinéir/na Paisinéirí a bhfuil an spás cathaoireach rothaí ag teastáil uathu. Nuair atá rogha déanta, ní thaispeántar le cur in áirithint ach seirbhísí ar a bhfuil spásanna do chathaoir(eacha) rothaí, bunaithe ar do rogha

passenger-seat icon Travel Pass or Travel Ticket holder

Travel Pass or Valid Ticket holder dialog
Travel Pass or Valid Ticket holder

Is an option for customers who are in possession of Free Travel Pass, a valid standard class ticket(s), seasonal ticket(s), Taxsaver ticket(s) or InterRail to book onto a train in standard class. Customers who have a valid standard class ticket but wish to upgrade to First Class should also use this selection. For more information go to Tickets Explained section.

Please select the passenger(s) who require this ticket type

St. Patrick's Day 2022

14 Márta 2022

St Patrick’s Day Fun with Irish Rail

Towns and cities around Ireland are gearing up to celebrate St Patrick’s Day this week. With festivities returning to the "new normal" following uncertainty over the COVID-19 situation in Ireland and abroad, families are looking forward to celebrating together at parades and other events up and down the country.

Our national holiday falls on a Thursday this year with an additional public holiday on Friday 18th March. This means we have a long, long weekend in store. It’s the perfect opportunity to book your ticket to explore a new destination or revisit one of your favourite haunts. The toughest decision will be which to choose…

Dublin (Dublin Connolly/Dublin Heuston)

The biggest St Patrick's Day party on earth will take place around Dublin city. Running over five great days and nights, the St Patrick’s Festival has something for everyone. You can enjoy some great music from the Festival Quarter at the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks. And of course, the highlight of the festival will be the extraordinary parade that will wind its way around the streets of the city from 12 noon on St Patrick’s Day. 


Picture of Festival goers dressed in Irish gear celebrating St. Patrick's Day

With road closures and traffic diversions throughout the weekend, the most relaxing way to enjoy all the activities is by rail. Rediscover the joy of the train and check out our low fares for all the family.

For a change of scenery, hop on the DART to Bray over the weekend. The coastal town has five days of family friendly activities planned, including a funfair and plenty of live music. Find out about using a Leap card on the DART and save money on your travel.

Cork (Kent)

The Cork St. Patrick's Festival is jam packed with activities for everyone.

Central to the Cork St. Patrick's Festival is the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Cork's parade features members of communities from all walks of life across the city - sporting groups to dance schools, new communities, long-established brass bands, and special guests from around the world.

This year’s parade takes place on Tuesday 17th March at 13:00. It’s going to be a vibrant, colourful spectacle and a fitting way to finish off the party. 

Galway (Ceannt)

Picture of woman in outstanding costume at the Limerick St. Patrick's Day parade

Galway will have a St Patrick’s Day parade in 2022 for the first time in 3 years, with what is shaping up to be the largest St Patrick’s Day spectacle the city has ever seen. Galway City Council has organised a series of events over the course of the extra long double bank holiday weekend in March from 17th to the 20th March, to celebrate Ireland’s national holiday


Brighde and Aidan playing onstage at St Patrick's Festival Dublin 2019

Book your tickets in advance and leave the car at home for a stress‐free day of celebrations. Remember children under 5 years of age travel free.

Limerick (Colbert)

The fun and craic associated with the Limerick St. Patrick’s Festival makes a welcome return to the city streets following a COVID-enforced absence of two years. The Limerick St. Patrick’s Festival will include the traditional St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Thursday 17 March, the Limerick International Band Championship taking place this year on Sunday 20 March along with a host of other family-friendly events!

Chinese actors dancing at the St Patrick's Day Parade in Bray 2019

Waterford (Plunkett)

The St. Patrick’s Day Festival will run for three fun-filled days from 17th – 19th March 2022 in Waterford City. To celebrate Waterford winning Ireland’s Best Place to Live, the St. Patrick’s Day Festival will celebrate all those things that make Waterford such a great place to be. The city is easily accessible for families to enjoy the festivities. With an array of shopping & dining choices in the City, our St. Patrick’s Day Festival gives you an extra opportunity to experience what Waterford has to offer.

Sligo (MacDiarmada)

After two years apart, the Sligo St Patricks Festival Committee is delighted to announce that we will be gathering together again for the 2022 parade.

The theme for this year’s parade is one simple word: TOGETHER. After all we have been through since March 2020, this is a great opportunity to mark a special day in our annual calendar of events for Sligo town on March 17th.

Picture of son sitting on his fathers shoulders at the festival

Please remember:

  • It is recommended to wear a face covering to travel
  • If you are travelling on Intercity, we recommend that you book your travel in advance, including holders of free travel passes or existing valid tickets.
  • Bikes must be booked online prior to travel

Sunday schedule in operation with some additional DART and Commuter services, please check our journey planner for a full list of services that will operate during the day both pre & post parade. 

Tara Street will be closed until 4:00pm, please use Connolly or Pearse. 

Additional late night DART & Commuter services will operate on St Patrick's Night (Friday 18th March). These include:

  • 00:20 Dublin Pearse to Maynooth
  • 00:30 Dublin Connolly to Greystones
  • 00:30 Dublin Connolly to Howth
  • 00:40 Dublin Pearse to Dundalk
  • 00:50 Dublin Pearse to Kildare 

For Intercity journeys you can enjoy great fares by booking online with Iarnród Éireann.

Then all that’s left is to sit back and enjoy the festivities - Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir!

Leap Card

Customers can save up to 24 percent on DART and short hop zone rail journeys in the Dublin area when using Leap card instead of single or return tickets. Check out current Leap Card fares and see what you can save now.

Save time and money when you use a Leap Card to pay.

Family Tickets

Take the family on a day out by train with our fantastic family tickets valid for 1 or 2 adults and up to 4 children. For more information on prices and a full list of destinations

If you cannot find the information you require please see our Fares and Ticketing page or email

Alcohol Policy 

Customers are reminded that in the interests of the comfort and safety of all on board, alcohol will not be permitted on board.

Left Luggage

Are you travelling into Dublin Heuston this week and need to leave your luggage somewhere safe?
We recommend Tipperary House situated 2 minutes walk from Dublin Heuston Station. Advance booking is essential. For more information click here

Disclaimer: Event details correct at time of publication. Due to the nature of these events they may be cancelled or rescheduled at short notice. Always confirm the details before you travel.
