Can I change the location of parking to another Iarnród Éireann station?
Can I have multiple cars on my APCOA Account?
Can I park a different car to the one registered when making my APCOA booking for Iarnród Eireann car park?
Do car parking charges at Iarnród Éireann car parks include VAT?
Do I need to register with APCOA Connect or will my details be transferred from Parkbytext?
From what date will APCOA Connect be available in Iarnród Éireann stations?
How can I make a complaint regarding unfair clamping on Iarnród Éireann property?
How do I book my Iarnród Éireann car parking online with APCOA?
How do I know my Iarnród Éireann car park booking with APCOA has been accepted?
I got clamped at an Iarnród Éireann car park what do I do next?
I wish to report a problem with paying for car parking at an Iarnród Éireann station?
What are the prices for parking at an Iarnród Éireann car park?
What methods of payment can I use to pre-book parking online at an Iarnród Éireann car park?
When booking parking for an Iarnród Éireann car park are there booking fees?
Where can I get the APCOA Connect app?
With the change to APCOA what happens to my current Parkbytext transactions?
How far in advance to my date/time of travel can I pre-book car parking at an Iarnród Éireann station?
I wish to complain about a car park at an Iarnród Éireann station, who do I contact?
Is payment on APCOA Connect secure?
How do I find my Iarnród Éireann car parking location code?
I bought an annual Taxsaver parking pass but can’t see it on APCOA Connect?
I am using an International card, do I need to contact my bank?
My card is from an EU country but my payment will not go through
I don't know my return details yet, what should I do?
Can the Gardaí access the anti-social text message I sent and my number?
Will the driver or Staff member identify that it was me on the DART or platform who texted the anti-social behaviour?
Will the DART be stopped if someone reports anti-social behaviour via the text service?
What is a shared text message used by the anti-social behaviour test service?
What is 3D Secure?
Why is my credit/debit card being rejected/failed?
Will 3D Secure add extra time to my purchasing experience?
Where can I buy a Leap Card?
Where does the Leap Card work?
What is travel credit and how does it work?
Using a Vending Machine to Top-Up your Leap Card
How do I make a reservation?
What type of tickets can I reserve?
How do I pay for my reservation?
How do I amend/cancel my booking?
How do I change my Account details
How do I view my recent transactions?
What Browsers are currently supported by irishrail.ie?
How do I change my Password?
If I purchase my ticket online or by phone, how do I get my ticket?
Where can I purchase a ticket?
What forms of payment does Iarnród Éireann accept?
Can I purchase tickets on the train?
Can I get a refund at a later date?
What if I didn’t buy my ticket from Iarnród Éireann but I want a refund?
I did not get my reserved seat do I get a refund?
What areas of the country are served by Iarnród Éireann?
When should I travel?
How early should I arrive at the station?
Where can I get Timetable Information?
Can I bring my bicycle onto the train?
Can I bring my Guide / Assistance dog onto the train?
Is there Wi-Fi technology onboard IÉ trains so I can access the internet?
Are there sockets onboard Irish Rail Intercity services?
Where do I find Information on the Free Travel Pass?
Can Dogs or Other Pets Travel on the Train?
Where can I get details on the rail fleet?
Where can I find Heritage and Railway Enthusiast Information?
What happens if I don't purchase a ticket?
How do I request CCTV footage?
Thinking of developing an app?
I have used 3D Secure before, what do I need to do?
I haven’t used 3D Secure before, what do I need to do?
I can’t remember my 3D Secure Password, who do I contact?
Are there any alternatives to payment with 3D Secure?
I don't wish to register with 3D Secure - can I still pay online?
How can I find out more details about 3D Secure?
What credit and debit cards does irishrail.ie accept?
How do different cards behave?
I purchase online using a company credit / purchasing card, can I still purchase on irishrail.ie?
I purchase online using a prepaid debit card, can I still purchase on irishrail.ie?
Does Iarnród Éireann have an app?
Can I purchase a Luas ticket with Iarnród Éireann?
What do I do if the confirmation page does not display?
I had an account and was registered previously but cannot log in?
How does GoCar work?
How do I contact GoCar or get more information about my membership?
What happens if another car is illegally parked in the GoBase space and I am unable to return my GoCar to this designated space?
What happens if my GoCar won’t start when I arrive at the GoBase to pick it up?
What happens if my GoCar is damaged internally or externally when I pick it up from the GoBase?
Can I return my GoCar to a different GoBase other than the designated area that I originally picked it up?
What happens if I am involved in a car incident while using a GoCar on Iarnród Éireann property or at any other location?
What do I do if my ticket is lost or stolen?
How do I appeal against a fixed payment notice?
What are the benefits of an Iarnrod Eireann Account?
Fixed Payment Notice Department Contact Details (Revenue Protection Unit)?
What is a Leap Card?
What is Capping?
How does Capping work?
What time constitutes a Daily or Weekly Cap?
Why should I register my Leap Card?
How do I claim a refund if I have been over charged on my Leap Card?
I have a free travel pass, how do I book a seat?
I have made a mistake with my online booking, what can I do?
I have Taxsaver monthly/annual ticket. Can I reserve a seat on a train?
Setting up a new account
What if the ticket office is closed, or the station does not have a ticket office and the ticket vending machines are out of order?
What should I do if I have forgotten my Monthly or Annual Taxsaver Leap or Smart card?
What If I do not Touch On my Leap card before travel?
What happens if I have a department of Social Protection ticket but no accompanying DSP free Travel Pass or DSP Free Travel Card?
What happens if I travel beyond my destination?
What happens if an adult purchases a child ticket?
Who can issue a Fixed Payment Notice?
Can the authorised officer confiscate my ticket when issuing a Fixed Payment Notice?
Do I have to pay the Fixed Payment Notice on the spot?
Is there a right of appeal against a Fixed Payment Notice?
What is Iarnród Éireann's alcohol policy?
Can I pay at my destination if I am in a rush?
What if I have bought a student ticket but cannot produce the current student I.D card to the Authorised Officer?
What happens if I use another person’s Leap card, student card or DSP Free Travel Pass or Free Travel Card?
If I have a standard class ticket but sit in first class, will I receive a Fixed Payment Notice?
Can a Fixed Payment Notice be issued for other offences?
What happens if a passenger has committed more than one offence?
Can an authorised officer detain me if I don’t have a valid ticket?
DATA Protection
Filming Iarnród Éireann Services and Property
What if I don’t pay the Fixed Payment Notice?
Do you sell Gift Vouchers?
Why is my train is not bookable/sold out?
I am getting a message my browser is outdated
I am getting a message my operating system is outdated
What if the anti-social behaviour text service does not work for any reason?
Will Iarnród Éireann use the personal details I provided when reporting anti-social behaviour for sales or marketing purposes?
What if I don’t want my personal information to be processed, or if I want my personal information deleted?
What can I do if I have questions regarding the collection and processing of my personal information?
Will anyone other than Iarnrod Éireann receive my personal information if I use the anti-social behaviour text service?
What is the legal basis for processing my personal information when I use the anti-social behaviour text service?
Why is my personal information being collected and processed when I use the anti-social behavior text service?
Why is the anti-social behaviour text service not free?
Is there a cost to use the anti-social behaviour text service?
What hours does the anti-social behaviour text service operate?
How will I know that my anti-social behaviour text message has been received and responded to?
What happens when my anti-social text message is received?
When I use the anti-social behaviour text service, where does my message go and who sees the text?
What are some examples of the type of situations that may be reported using the anti-social behaviour text service?
What are examples of an emergency (when I should call 999 or 112)?
How do I use the anti-social behaviour text service?
When should I use the anti-social behaviour text service?
My Iarnród Éireann car parking location code is not working?
Can I park my car overnight in an Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail station?
Disability Act 2005
Are there discounts for Students?
Will food be served on the train?
Can I smoke on the train?
Is there a lost property facility?
What are the age requirements for Child Tickets?
Where can I find a list of current tenders?
Where can I find the CIE Bye Laws (Confirmation ) Order 1984?
Where can I find the Conditions of Carriage?
What do I need to know before carrying out work on or near a Railway line?
Are Annual Reports available online?
What is Iarnród Éireann's attitude to the Environment?
What routes in Cork are Leap weekly and monthly cards available on?
Are Leap cards available for combined journeys with Bus Éireann in Cork?
Can I purchase a Leap weekly or monthly card at a ticket machine in stations in Cork?
Can I use an epurse Leap card to travel in Cork?
Are Annual cards being issued on Leap in Cork?
Is Leap Card available for rail services in Cork?
What happens when I reach the Leap Cap?
How far in advance can I make a reservation?
I am having problems booking?
Can I reserve a seat facing the direction the train is travelling?
What does Low, Medium Flex, Flexible or First Class mean?
My Password does not work, what do I do?
Can I view my previous bookings?
Why does 3D Secure not always display when booking?
Why won't the website accept my phone number?
How do I book a wheelchair space?
How do I book a seat only reservation? (Free Travel Pass)
I received a 'reset my password' email but I can't log into my Account?
Is www.irishrail.ie a secure website?
Fixed Payment Notice (FPN)
How can I pay a Fixed Payment Notice?
If I do not buy a ticket before travelling, will I automatically get a Fixed Payment Notice?
If there is a queue at the ticket office or the Ticket Vending Machine can I board the train without a valid ticket?
How do I book a bike online?
Can I bring an e-scooter onboard a train?
How do I access irishrail.ie if I have a disability?
No Online Tickets Why?
What is the Iarnród Éireann anti-social behaviour text service?
Can I park my electric car free of charge at Iarnród Éireann stations?
Do Irish Rail provide RSS Feeds?
How do I integrate Realtime into my app?
Does the 50% discount apply to return journeys?
Does the 50% discount apply to the 90 minute fare?
Does the 50% discount apply to my 10 journey ticket?
Do I need a TFI Young Adults (19 – 25 years) Card to get the 50 percent discount or can I use my Student Card or drivers licence to get the discount?
How do customers know that they are in a Quieter coach?
How do Customers know when they book online that they are choosing a Quieter coach?
Has a Quieter coach been in operation in other countries?
Will the Quieter coach be introduced on other routes?
What is Touch-On and Touch-Off?
Errors in reading a Leap Card
How do I view my Leap Card balance?
Schoolchild Leap Cards
When booking online what stations is the Cork Airport add-on available from?
What is the timeline for commencement of construction?
How does the Railway Order application process work?
What traffic assessment and traffic modelling has been undertaken to inform the assessments?
How do I access and use the app?
Why is this prototype app only for DART users?
What qualifies as a journey during the trial?
During the trial, should I book assistance over the phone as well through the app?
How are station operatives processing these requests?
Will I still be able to use the current assistance booking system in place if absolutely necessary?
When using the app during the trial, how much notice should I give for assistance required?
What skills or equipment do I need to have?
How will you process my data?
Access DART App Confidentiality
What are Publicis Dublin’s involvement in this prototype app?
If I don’t have a travel pass, will my journeys be covered?
What happens if my train is delayed?
What if something goes wrong with the app?
How do I book First Class / CityGold on Limerick or Tralee services?
Do I pay VAT on train tickets?
What is a Young Adult Card?
How do I apply for a Young Adult card?
How old do I have to be to apply for a Young Adult card?
Do I need any documentation to prove my age to apply for a Young Adult card?
What documentation will be accepted as proof of age?
How do I get a Student Card?
How much does it cost?
What documents do I need to complete my application?
What is the proposed time-frame? When can I expect to receive my new card?
What happens if my application is rejected?
How do I get a refund on my card balance?
Do I have to apply for new card if I already have child/student card?
What if I don’t have the documents?
What are the card renewal rules?
What is the discount?
What routes do the discount rate apply?
What to do if the child is 19+ but still in secondary school?
Why can the student card not be posted?
Are 18 year old users still eligible for the 16-18 card or do they need to get a student card?
Customer when trying to request a card and the webpage crashes / user had to pause the application and wants to resume /was unable to complete the process. What to do to continue the order?
Are payments taken if the order is not completed? If an order is rejected how to get a refund?
ID validation failed, what was done wrong/why did the order fail?
Will there also be a change to the fare capping service with another band added for 19-23 cards, or do we know if they’ll be grouped with the Child / Student / Adult caps?
Promotional material referring to Leap Card fare discounts by percentage.
When will the 20% discount come into effect?
Does the 20% discount apply to all modes of transport?
Does the 20% discount apply to return journeys?
Does the 20% discount apply to the 90 minute fare?
Does the 20% discount apply to my 10 journey ticket?
Do I need a TFI Leap Card to get the 20% discount?
Will TFI Go tickets be discounted by 20% also?
Is the 20% reduction a permanent fare discount? When will it last until?
When will the 50% discount come into effect?
Is the 50% discount on top of the 20% discount?
Does the 50% discount apply to all modes of transport?
Valid cards for the 50% reduced fares
At what age can a child travel on the train alone?
What stations have free water filling stations?
Are there wheelchair accessible spaces on trains?
What do I do if I did not receive a confirmation email after my booking?
Do I need to get a ticket to accompany my Free Travel/Public Services Card?
Can I breastfeed in stations or on-board trains?
What route and fleet will the Quieter coach operate on?
When will the Quieter coach commence?
Why are we introducing a Quieter Coach?
How many customers with a disability could the Quieter coach benefit?
Is the Quieter coach only available for customers with disabilities?
What is expected of customers in a Quieter coach?
Having issues logging in to amend your booking?
I have a free travel pass / an existing valid ticket. Is there a charge to reserve my seat?
Priority Seats
Can I buy tickets in advance?
What types of tickets does Iarnród Éireann sell?
How much do tickets cost?
What is the Customer Charter?
My train was delayed. When am I entitled to a refund?