Clár Consanta Bhonneagar Iarnróid an Chósta Thoir

Achoimre ar an Tionscadal
Cuireann Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) gréasán iarnróid sábháilte ar fáil ar chósta thoir na hÉireann agus déanann sé cothabháil air. Is cuid ríthábhachtach den ghréasán iarnróid í an chuid seo idir Baile Átha Cliath agus Cill Mhantáin agus tá seirbhísí DART ó dheas, seirbhísí comaitéireachta Ghuaire agus Idirchathrach Eoraphort Ros Láir ag feidhmiú feadh bhealach seo na radharc.
Is léir do IÉ go bhfuil minicíocht na stoirmeacha ag méadú le blianta beaga anuas mar gheall ar an athrú aeráide. Éilíonn sé seo go ndéanfar níos mó agus níos mó oibreacha cothabhála chun freagra a thabhairt ar thorthaí creimthe cósta, scaileogú (tonnta ag réabadh thar constaicí) agus tuile cósta ar an líne iarnróid agus ar an mbonneagar tacaíochta. Méadófar an cur isteach a bheidh ar na seirbhísí atá ann cheana féin mar gheall ar na hoibreacha seo
Bunaíodh Cláir Chosanta Bhonneagar Iarnróid an Chósta Thoir (ECRIPP) chun cosaint fheabhsaithe an cósta atá ag teastáil a thabhairt don bhonneagar iarnróid atá ann cheana féin ag líon príomhshuíomhanna ar an ngréasán iarnróid seo.
Tá ECRIPP ag tabhairt faoi chomhairliúchán poiblí maidir leis an Scéim is Dealraithí a Roghnófar do limistéir cille cósta aonair faoi láthair. Cuirfear aiseolas maidir leis na moltaí san áireamh le forbairt dearaidh bhreise agus beidh aighneachtaí ann do na toilithe reachtúla riachtanacha in Earrach 2026 ag an deireadh.
Is féidir tuilleadh sonraí maidir le ECRIPP agus na céimeanna atá á dtógáil chun codanna den líne iarnróid idir Baile Átha Cliath agus Cill Mhantáin a chosaint a fheiceáil thíos.
Cúlra an Tionscadail
Tá codanna áirithe d’iarnród an chósta atá ó dheas de Bhaile Átha Cliath i dtreo Chill Mhantáin a bhfuil an baol ann go dtarlóidh creimeadh cósta, tuile cósta, scaileogú agus éagobhsaíocht aille agus meastar go dtiocfaidh méadú ar na tionchair sin ó thaobh minicíochta agus déine de sna blianta amach anseo mar gheall ar an athrú aeráide. Cuirtear tuilleadh faisnéise maidir le tionchar an athraithe aeráide in Éirinn ar fáil ag
Tá tionchair an chreimthe cósta ar chósta thoir na hÉireann ó Bhaile Átha Cliath go Contae Chill Mhantáin níos follasaí lá i ndiaidh lae agus tránna agus aillte á gcailleadh go mall ar bhonn bliantúil. Tá taithí phearsanta ag Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) ar na tionchair seo. Méadóidh an ráta caillteanais seo ar aon dul le hardú leibhéil na mara agus méaduithe ar mhinicíocht/dhéine stoirmeacha mar gheall ar an athrú aeráide. Chonacthas cúngú i roinnt áiteanna de líne iarnróid an Chósta Thoir toisc gur scuab an fharraige suas le 20-30 méadar den chósta chun siúil le 10 mbliana anuas. Is é an toradh a bhí air seo ná gur cailleadh go leor talún agus gnáthóg, agus go ndearna an fharraige ionraí sa chaoi go bhfuil an baol ann go gcaillfear tuilleadh codanna den líne iarnróid idir Baile Átha Cliath agus Cill Mhantáin de bharr chreimeadh an chósta.
Tá líne iarnróid reatha an chósta thoir go hiomlán oibríochtúil. Maolóidh ECRIPP an creimeadh cósta, adhaimsir agus tuile cósta chun a chinntiú go gcoinnítear nascacht iarnróid. Leanfaidh IÉ ar aghaidh ag tabhairt faoi oibreacha cothabhála agus leasúcháin i limistéir thábhachtacha feadh líne iarnróid an chósta thoir.
Príomhchuspóirí an Tionscadail
Is é príomhaidhm an tionscadail seo ná aghaidh a thabhairt ar an iarnród agus bonneagar cósta atá ann cheana agus iad a chosaint ar éifeachtaí an chreimthe cósta mar gheall ar an athrú aeráide i gcúig limistéar tábhachtach ar an líne iarnróid idir Baile Átha Cliath agus Cill Mhantáin.
I measc phríomhchuspóirí an tionscadail, tá;
- tacaíocht a thabhairt d’oibriú sábháilte leanúnach na seirbhísí iarnróid;
- athléimneacht an bhonneagair iarnróid i leith an athraithe aeráide amach anseo a mhéadú;
- oibreacha cosanta cósta inbhuanaithe agus feabhsaithe a chur ar fáil in aghaidh éifeachtaí tuartha an athraithe aeráide amhail ardú leibhéal na mara, creimeadh cósta, borrthaí stoirme ar chonair iarnróid an chósta thoir;
- an líne iarnróid a chosaint do na glúnta atá le teacht;
- bainistiú agus cothabháil éifeachtach fhadtéarmach ar chonair an iarnróid a cheadú;
- tacaíocht a thabhairt do nascacht inbhuanaithe ísealcharbóin áitiúil, réigiúnach agus idirnáisiúnta chun sochaí ísealcharbóin agus athléimneach ó thaobh na haeráide de a chothú;
Limistéir an Chósta
Rinneadh measúnú ar chúig shuíomh lárnach agus meastar go bhfuil cosaint de dhíth orthu chun athléimneacht i leith an chreimthe cósta mar gheall ar an athrú aeráide a mhéadú. Rinneadh measúnú ar an gcúig limistéar cille cósta seo toisc go raibh ionraí orthu a bhí chomh dona go bhfuil an bonneagar atá ann cheana i mbaol de dheasca an chreimthe cósta.
Is iad na cúig limistéar cille cósta (CCAs) seo ná;
- CCA1 Muirfin go Dún Laoghaire
- CCA2/3 - Tollán Dheilginse go hIonad Cóireála Fuíolluisce Sheangánaí/Bhré
- CCA5 - Ceann Bhré go Trá Thuaidh na gCloch Liath
- CCA6.1 - Na Clocha Liatha go dtí an Caisleán Nua
- CCA6.2 - An Caisleán Nua go Cuan Chill Mhantáin
Cliceáil anseo chun leagan Inrochtana de léarscáil na Limistéar Cille Cósta ECRIPP a fháil
Cad é an staid reatha?
Tá Céim 2 Coincheap, Féidearthacht agus Roghnúchán Roghanna an Tionscadail ar bun faoi láthair. Tá tús curtha le próiseas an dearaidh agus le staidéir thimpeallachta do ECRIPP, agus táimid ag céim an-tábhachtach sa tionscadal. Spreagtar do rannpháirtíocht agus aiseolas agus tá suim againn do chuid aiseolais agus tuairimí a fháil ag an gcéim seo den phróiseas dearaidh.
Tá roinnt suirbhéanna déanta againn chun eolas a dhéanamh do Chéim 2. Chlúdaigh na suirbhéanna seo suirbhéanna éiceolaíochta neamhsháiteacha, suirbhéanna topagrafacha agus suirbhéanna aerfheithicle gan foireann (UAV). Táimid ag tabhairt faoi fhiosrúchán talún chomh maith chun eolas a dhéanamh don dearadh in aice leis an líne iarnróid. Féach nasc le Dearbhú Scagtha AA a bhaineann le suirbhé an fhiosrúcháin talún.
Comhairliúchán Poiblí 1
Is cuid lárnach de chur i gcrích ECRIPP í rannpháirtíocht an phobail le linn phróiseas an dearaidh. Tá próiseas dhá chomhairliúchán poiblí neamhreachtúil mar chuid den tionscadal seo. The first public consultation on ECRIPP was on the ‘Emerging Preferred Scheme’ for each Coastal Cell Area.
The non-statutory public consultation period 1 is now closed. The public and stakeholders may continue to provide feedback and comments through the ECRIPP email and phoneline and these comments and feedback, where applicable, will be considered as part of the ongoing design development and documented in future design and consultation reports.
Chun tuilleadh sonraí a fháil, tabhair cuairt ar an leathanach comhairliúcháin.
Na Chéad Chéimeanna Eile
Bhí an próiseas um roghnú roghanna agus forbairt an dearaidh a rinneadh go dtí seo ina chúis le forbairt na scéime is dealraithí a roghnófar do gach Limistéar Cille Cósta atá mar bhéim Chomhairliúcháin Phoiblí 1.
Nuair a bheidh próiseas an chomhairliúcháin phoiblí críochnaithe, déanfar athbhreithniú ar an aiseolas agus na haighneachtaí ar fad a fhaightear agus déanfar measúnú orthu mar chuid de thabhairt chun críche na scéime roghnaithe agus forbairt an dearaidh.
Tar éis measúnaithe iomlán a dhéanamh ar an aiseolas, déanfar Tuarascáil ar Thorthaí Comhairliúcháin maidir le Comhairliúchán Poiblí 1 a ullmhú agus a fhoilsiú chun an próiseas seo a dhoiciméadú.
Úsáidfear an fhaisnéis ar fad a bhailíonn foireann an tionscadail chun eolas a dhéanamh d’fhorbairt dearaidh an tionscadail a bheidh faoi réir Mheasúnacht Tionchair Timpeallachta (MTT) agus Measúnacht Chuí (MC) mar chuid den iarratas pleanála.
Tá gabháil an aiseolais a thugann na páirtithe leasmhara ríthábhachtach le linn phróiseas forbartha an dearaidh agus is cuid lárnach í de chur i gcrích an ECRIPP. Cuirimid fáilte roimh aiseolas an phobail le linn na gcéimeanna ar fad d’fhorbairt an dearaidh. Is féidir aiseolas agus ceisteanna a chur isteach trí sheoladh ríomhphoist an tionscadail nó i gcomhfhreagras scríofa.
Chun tuilleadh sonraí a fháil, féach an rannán Déan Teagmháil Linn.
The East Coast Railway Infrastructure Protection Projects (ECRIPP) will deliver enhanced coastal protection to the existing railway infrastructure on the rail network between Dublin and Wicklow. The rail line in sections is vulnerable to coastal erosion, wave overtopping and cliff instability that is expected to increase both in frequency and severity in future years due to climate change effects.
ECRIPP will deliver long term engineering solutions to proactively manage climate change effects in the form of wave overtopping, coastal flooding, erosion and coastal cliff instability to this important rail infrastructure corridor. ECRIPP will consider how this line can be protected for future generations in the face of predicted climate change impacts.
The Dublin to Wicklow section of this line is a critical part of the rail network, with southside DART, Gorey commuter and Rosslare Europort Intercity services operating along this scenic route.
In recent years, Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) has seen an increase in the frequency of storm events as result of climate change. This necessitates increased maintenance works to be carried out to respond to the effects of coastal erosion, wave overtopping and coastal flooding on the rail line and supporting infrastructure. These works result in increasing disruption to existing services.
Some areas of the East Coast rail line have seen encroachment through the loss of coast of up to 20-30 metres in the last 10 years alone. This has resulted in large losses in land and habitats, and incursions to such levels that existing infrastructure, in particular the railway line between Dublin and Wicklow, is at real risk of loss to coastal erosion.
The proposed East Coast Railway Infrastructure Protection Projects (ECRIPP) will examine how to protect railway infrastructure at five key locations that run along a 65km route on the east coast. These locations are vulnerable to the impacts of coastal erosion, coastal flooding, wave overtopping and coastal cliff instability that is expected to increase both in frequency and severity in future years as a result of climate change.
The primary focus of these projects is to identify and implement sustainable coastal erosion protection measures to protect the existing railway infrastructure.
ECRIPP enables IÉ to continue to contribute towards the social and economic development along the east coast railway line. The railway is an important asset to enable a better quality of life and more sustainable travel and Iarnród Éireann will continue to invest in long term strategic infrastructure.
The current east coast rail line is fully operational. ECRIPP will mitigate against coastal erosion, extreme weather and coastal flooding to ensure rail connectivity is maintained. Iarnród Éireann will continue to undertake maintenance and remedial works in key areas along the east coast rail line.
The railway is an important asset to enable a better quality of life and more sustainable travel and Iarnród Éireann will continue to invest in long term strategic infrastructure.
The key objectives of ECRIPP include;
provide improved and sustainable coastal protection works against predicted climate change effects such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, storm surges and increased rainfall on the east coast railway corridor;
support sustainable, low carbon, local, regional and international connectivity fostering a low carbon and climate resilient society.
Five key locations, termed coastal cell areas along a 65 km route have been identified and assessed as being particularly exposed to coastal erosion and climate change effects on exiting rail infrastructure.
The locations of the five coastal cell areas (CCAs) are:
CCA1- Merrion to Dún Laoghaire
CCA2-3- Dalkey Tunnel to Shanganagh-Bray Wastewater Treatment Plant
CCA5- Bray Head to Greystones North Beach
CCA6.1 -Greystones to Newcastle
CCA6.2- Newcastle to Wicklow Harbour

Some sections of the coastal railway south of Dublin to Wicklow are more vulnerable than other sections to the impacts of coastal erosion that is expected to increase both in frequency and severity in future years as a result of climate change.
These five coastal cell areas have been assessed as they have experienced recent incursions to such levels that existing railway infrastructure is at risk of coastal erosion due to climate change.
We are currently in Phase 2 (Concept, Feasibility and Options). During this phase, the project team is working on the development of appropriate measures to best manage the risks to the railway associated with coastal hazards in the five key areas (coastal cell areas). Over the coming months we will be carrying out several surveys to inform the design development. These surveys will cover non-intrusive ecological surveys and bathymetric surveys. We also plan to carry out Ground Investigation to inform the design close to the rail line.
As part of the public consultation process, the public are invited to make observations and submissions on the Emerging Preferred Scheme for each of the five coastal cell areas. Full details of each Emerging Preferred Scheme, including maps, drawings and the Preliminary Options Selection Reports are available to view and download on this project website. Full details of the optioneering process is documented in the Preliminary Options Selection Reports.
An option selections report will then be finalised detailing the identified preferred scheme for each of the five Coastal Cell Areas with further consultation expected here.
Once the public consultation process is complete, all feedback and submissions received will be reviewed and assessed as part of the finalisation of the of the Preferred Scheme for public consultation 2. Further public consultation on the preferred scheme will be undertaken in 2025.
ECRIPP is funded through the Department of Transport by the National Transport Authority, under Project Ireland 2040. Iarnród Éireann is committed to this project and it is provided for in the Programme for Government and the National Development Plan.
The National Development Plan forecasts a ten-year timeline to complete the project, to manage long term coastal erosion risks to the railway.
Iarnród Éireann is committed to this project to ensure that Ireland protects critical infrastructure into the future, meets its many ambitious long-term national climate change targets; and its commitment to protect and improve public transportation. ECRIPP is provided for in Project Ireland 2040, in the Programme for Government and the National Development Plan. Ultimately all projects are dependent on Exchequer funding for financing. Subject to receipt of planning permission approval and approval of the Business Case by Government, the project will go ahead.
Public participation during the design development process is a key element to the delivery of major infrastructure projects such as ECRIPP. This process allows public feedback to be assessed and used in developing the design with knowledge of all issues.
Information on future public consultations will be updated to the project website All public consultation launches will be highlighted through in-station posters and a leaflet drop along the project route, briefing of elected representatives, email notification to the project database, targeted digital advertising and advertising in print media and on radio where appropriate.
Public Consultation 1 |
Date |
Time |
Location |
Venue |
Consultation Event 1 |
19th November 2024 |
3-7pm |
Dun Laoghaire |
Royal Marine Hotel |
Consultation Event 2 |
20th November 2024 |
3-7pm |
Bray |
Mermaid Arts Centre |
Consultation Event 3 |
21st November 2024 |
3-7pm |
Wicklow Town |
Spotlight Studios |
Consultation Event 4 |
3rd December 2024 |
4-6:30pm |
Greystones |
Greystones Library |
Post: ECRIPP, Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure, Inchicore Works, Dublin 8, D08 K6Y3
Phone: 01 202 7900
The majority of works will be carried out seaward of the existing rail corridor.
Some survey work will occur on the line. Every effort will be made to avoid, reduce, and/or mitigate negative impacts, however, there is likely to be some disturbance experienced for those in close proximity to the railway line. We will work to ensure that any such disruption is minimised.
We are currently at an early stage in the project's timeline with an assessment of options currently being undertaken. The types of construction work required at each specific location will determine the type of impact that may affect the area/your property. As the projects proceed any potential impact that may occur will be communicated with the public.
In some areas it is expected that access to the beach and sea will be temporarily affected during the construction phase. Construction is not due to take place until 2028-2030. We are currently at an early stage in the project's timeline with an assessment of options currently being undertaken. As the projects proceed any potential impact that may occur will be communicated with the public.
A dedicated Community Public Liaison Officer will be put in place to communicate details of upcoming works and every potential mitigation will be put in place to minimise the disruption that may occur. To contact the CPLO please email
ECRIPP is seeking to deliver enhanced climate resilience to the existing railway infrastructure whilst protecting where possible the existing heritage of the railway. In order to achieve these certain interventions may be required that will impact on specific structures. We are currently at an early stage in the project's timeline with an assessment of options currently being undertaken.
The project team will consider the architectural heritage of all structures in the options assessments and physical interventions to these heritage structures will only be undertaken where absolutely necessary. In most cases works will be confined to the railway line and works will be restricted as much as possible to avoid any potential impact on these structures.
Any heritage interactions will involve input and consultation with the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage.
ECRIPP will deliver enhanced coastal protection to the existing railway infrastructure on the rail network between Dublin and Wicklow. Delivery of ECRIPP will support the existing communities along the railway, support future sustainable development and retain the railway for future generations.
ECRIPP is a railway infrastructure protection project and will focus on the railway corridor specifically and where this is impacted by coastal erosion and climate change effects.
The scope of ECRIPP is to deliver coastal protection measures to protect the railway from further coastal erosion, coastal cliff instability and wave overtopping that is due to increase in frequency and severity as a result of climate change.
Under the National Development Plan, Iarnród Éireann is currently undertaking a range of projects, as well as essential maintenance, right across our lines.
Iarnród Éireann will continue to undertake routine maintenance and remedial works in key areas along the east coast rail line. To view a list of upcoming line improvement works and visit
Iarnród Éireann will engage and collaborate with key stakeholders such as the Office of Public Works, Environmental Protection Agency, Local Authorities and relevant Government Departments on wider coastal erosions protection projects along the east coast.
The majority of works will be carried out within or seaward of the existing rail corridor owned by IÉ. Some access to third party lands will be required in some coastal cell areas.
Where access is required through/on private land, contact will be made with the relevant landowner and permission will be sought for access. Construction phase of the projects are not expected to commence until 2028-2030.
A dedicated Community Public Liaison Officer will be put in place to communicate with any landowners that may be affected. To contact the CPLO please email
DART+ Coastal South is an independent project of ECRIPP. Non Statutory public consultation on DART+ Coastal South will take place this winter. The commencement of construction of ECRIPP, subject to planning being granted and funding being allocated will not impact ECRIPP’s progress. For more information on DART+ Coastal South please visit
The construction phase for ECRIPP is not expected to commence until 2028- 2030.
DART+ Coastal South is an independent project of ECRIPP. Non Statutory public consultation on DART+ Coastal South will take place this winter. The commencement of construction of ECRIPP, subject to planning being granted and funding being allocated will not impact ECRIPP’s progress. For more information on DART+ Coastal South please visit -
The construction phase for ECRIPP is not expected to commence until 2028- 2030.
Maoiniú an Tionscadail
Tá Iarnród Éireann tiomanta don tionscadal seo chun a chinntiú go gcosnaítear bonneagar ríthábhachtach agus go gcomhlíonaimid na spriocanna náisiúnta um athrú aeráide atá fadtéarmach agus uaillmhianach agus an gealltanas chun iompar poiblí a chosaint agus a fheabhsú ar aon dul le Straitéis Iarnród Éireann.
Maoinítear ECRIPP ag an Roinn Iompair, tríd an Údarás Náisiúnta Iompair faoi Tionscadal Éireann 2040. Tá Iarnród Éireann tiomanta don tionscadal seo agus déantar foráil dó sa Chlár Rialtais agus sa Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta.
Braitheann gach tionscadal ar chistiúchán an Státchiste don mhaoiniú ar deireadh thiar thall. Leanfar ar aghaidh leis an tionscadal faoi réir fhaomhadh cead pleanála agus faomhadh an Cháis Ghnó ón Rialtas a fháil.
Urraí an Tionscadail
Tá ECRIPP á chur i bhfeidhm ag Iarnród Éireann mar chuid de Thionscadal Éireann 2040 agus an Clár Forbartha Náisiúnta.
I measc Urraí an Tionscadail, tá:

Déan Teagmháil Linn
Is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh le foireann an tionscadail ach ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig;
Is é 01 202 7900 an uimhir ghutháin
Foirgneamh Innealtóireachta agus Oibreacha Nua
Iarnród Éireann,
Oibreacha Inse Chór,
Baile Átha Cliath 8, D08 K6Y3